Why This Program Is Unique

The Beat Depression Program is unique because it’s based on:

A real life journey of someone who suffered with depression for many years AND recovered.

It is not developed by doctors who have never been depressed, or, theorists who can only guess at what might work. It follows the path of many others who’ve discovered…

...other ways to beat depression without the use of medication.

This Program:

We know the relief will start straight away as you understand the reasons for depression which will immediately help you to heal yourself.

The Beat Depression Program doesn’t claim to be a quick fix solution.

It took you a long time to become depressed and, though it won’t take as long to recover, we know that you will need some time to climb out of the depression. We want you to take solid steps so that you can become fully confident that you will recover for good.

We understand depression and we know that:

This program offers itself to you at your own pace. You can stop and start when you need to. You can go slow or go fast depending on how you feel each day. No one will judge you or ask anything of you.

But we want you to succeed because we want to help people who simply can’t help themselves.

The Program

Are You Depressed?


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